
CyberLaw Ecosystem


    The primary source of cyber law in India is the Information Technology Act, 2000 (IT Act) which came into force on 17th October 2000. The cyber law ecosystem in India consists of the IT Act (as amended from time to time) and its allied Acts, Orders, Guidelines, Regulations and Rules.

    The Indian Penal Code (as amended by the Information Technology Act) penalizes several cyber crimes. These include forgery of electronic records, cyber frauds, destroying electronic evidence etc.

    Digital Evidence is to be collected and proven in court as per the provisions of the Indian Evidence Act (as amended by the Information Technology Act).

    In case of bank records, the provisions of the Bankers’ Book Evidence Act (as amended by the Information Technology Act) are relevant.

    Investigation and adjudication of cyber crimes is done in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Criminal Procedure, Civil Procedure Code and the Information Technology Act. The Reserve Bank of India Act was also amended by the Information Technology Act.


Intermediaries & Digital Media related rules






Adjudicating Officers related Rules

Security related Rules

Cyber Appellate Tribunal related Rules

Certifying Authorities related Rules

Electronic Service Delivery related rules

Data Privacy related rules

Examiner of Electronic Evidence
